Monday, March 9, 2015

Orignality vs. Hype

Blend in vs. Stand Out
It is imperative for me to different. It's what keeps me sane. I feel like some people rely solely on people in the fashion industry to be a template a for them. Looking to them as inspiration is great. But, the idea is to make these styles inspire you not duplicate them. ( don't get me wrong I do look at magazines and what celebs are wearing to draw creativity) but, I don't rely on their fashion sense to forecast what I'm going to be wearing for the next season. Over the years I can't count how many times I recall myself saying I was "passionate about fashion" but then a spark went off and I realized it's not the fashion I'm passionate about, truth is it's the style. Style is timeless there is no " what's in now". It's about what you feel like wearing that day. I use to plan my outfits in advance but, I stopped I realized my killer outfits were the ones that didn't involve any thinking. It honestly all depends on my mood when I get up that morning. I actually mentally put outfits together in my head. 

The originality factor kicks in when you stay true your style, and not allow "what's in the now" to taint your personal style. When I'm out and about and someone compliments me on my outfit I tell them thank you. But, there is a different satisfaction that I get when someone approaches my and says ... " I get it ". Now THIS makes me feel like I got my point across without having to speak and that should be the main goal when it comes to displaying your personal style. When others understand what I'm saying, thinking, & feeling through my choice in clothes and how I put them together it is truly an indescribable feeling. At times I wonder if being an introvert helped me gauge my style.( let me explain) ...I never really paid much attention to what others were wearing. I try and stay in my own little bubble and buy pieces that cater to me or just items to enhance my wardrobe. I did not want what others were wearing to cloud my vision when it came to my choice in clothes. I did not want to buy pieces because they were trendy I only wanted them if could see myself wearing them on more than one occasion in a million different ways.  Looking back now I think it paid off. ( side note) never let your friends opinion of your outfit make you change your clothes if you love it, and you own it, then you better wear it!  

Which brings me to say ...this is why I created Istylehunt. This brand is simply what it says 
"I hunt for styles". Whether it be in a thrift store or a Burlington coat factory sales rack. I don't discriminate ! I love originality so the pieces that I find are NOT sold in bulk. What you see is what you get. There won't be another one. I did this because I was hoping that someone would " get it ". Get the fact that I want to push people to be original.  There are a lot of boutiques and vintage shops that sell items that everyone can acquire and I'm sorry but, I simply did not what that for my online shop. I wanted pieces that people could purchase and step out the house feeling confident because they knew that they would not catch someone else wearing it. So, instead of me complaining about people not being authentic I created a brand where I can bring that to my generation and the ones that follow. 

As Istylehunt was in progress I got a lot of questions about my personal style as well as where I shop. Now this why I decided to blog. ( I felt like it could work hand in hand with my brand. Showcasing my personal style and showing potential customers how to style their IstyleHunt  pieces. Bingo ! I want people to understand that my blog is simply showing you without labels you can still look top dollar. It's all about how you pair the items in your closet. You don't have to break the bank. I'm constantly reinventing my wardrobe and when I say that I don't mean shopping. I mean recreating the pieces I have and styling them with other items I already have. There is no need to spend money on designer items just to say you have them. Those items in my opinion are not timeless. I want my blog to be a platform for you to leave your feedback about these topics. I want to know how you feel. Let me know what you guys want to see more of and I will try and bring that to you. Until next time dueces!
@_iambitiouness follow me on instagram!